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2015 Championship Show

SBTC Show 2015 – Dog Judge: James Beaufoy (Wyrefare)
A great honour to have been selected by the Club’s members to Judge the Parent Club of the breed’s
celebration year show to commemorate the 80th year of both Club and breed formation back in 1935.
This was a show with an exhilarating atmosphere retained throughout. Aided by first class ring
stewarding and a most impressive entry of top quality exhibits, to judge on the day was
a real pleasure. My aim was to reward those representatives of sound substance and
conformation without exaggerations towards either too much bull or too much terrier and presented
in a fit condition to be expected in this breed.. The dog CC went to Mr M & Mrs M Davies’ Ch.Eclypstaff
Cuz I Can. The Reserve dog CC went to Mrs R A Plant’s Ch. Kyraloebis Italian Gigalo JW ShCM. Best
Puppy in Show went to Mr W & Mrs M Asker’s Dazmarnic Cetewayos Best Veteran in Show went to
Rhodes & Foxall’s Teracota Hells Angel.
Veteran Dogs (19 entries (11 Abs)
1st. Rhodes & Foxall’s Teracota Hells Angel.
Soundly constructed bl/br/w of considerable merit. Great head and skull. Well proportioned
muzzle with correct strength of underjaw. Dark eyes, rose ears and well defined stop. Top line level
and short in back. A sound black country Stafford. Awarded best veteran on the day.
2nd. Peacock’s Dringshaw Stoner
Well proportioned and balanced red/white. Soundly constructed with correct length and depth of
both skull and muzzle. Movement was sound from well angulated shoulders and hindquarters.
3rd. Fletcher & Seedhouse’s Jsy Ch. Granitangel Zircon Pdh
Minor Puppy Dog (13 entries (3 absent)
1st. Corcoran & O’donovan’ Molru Alrught Dave.
Most attractive well proportioned head and skull on this compact bl/br. Neat ears, dark and well
spaced eyes and correct bite. Ample bone in forelegs, sound bend in stifles. Short back with level
top line and sound driving movement from hindquarters.
2nd. Carnes’ Roughnecks Rogue Star
Fawn with nicely developing head and skull with correct length and strength of muzzle. Movement
was sound with correct reach and drive from well boned quarters.
3rd. A M Smith’s Ramblestaff Racketeer
Puppy Dog (11 entries (1 absent)
1st. Asker’s Dazmarnic Cetewayos Kraal
Top quality red & white. Powerful head shape with a riveting expression. Strong, broad and correctly
angulated muzzle. Distinct stop with dark, round and well spaced eyes. Body to match head for
quality with short back and well sprung rib formation. Strong bone in well angulated quarters. Best
Puppy in show.
2nd. Clark’s Rowellstaff Ooh Aar Cantona
Red with impressive well proportioned head and muzzle. Neat rose ears, dark eyes Soundly
constructed in front with neck tapering smoothly into well angulated shoulders and top line.
Moved with drive from well angulated hindquarters.
3rd. Edwards’ Tagstane Welsh Wonder
Junior Dog (23entries 5 absent)
1st. Dean’s Kylestaff Muddy Water JW
Most impressive and classy bl/br/w. Excelling in head and skull he presented a picture of balance
from all angles viewed. Neat rose ears, dark eyes and keen expression all helped him to stand out in
the class. He moved well from well angulated quarters.
2nd. Lahodova’s Danny G Fransimo Bohemia
Most attractive red/w with as strong and powerful head and muzzle. Neat ears. dark eyes and a
distinct stop all made their contribution to an excellent expression. Strong and well proportioned
construction of body and limbs make for a very correct blend of bull and terrier. He moved well on
the day.
3rd. Case & Riggs’s Staffstyle Through Glass
Yearling Dog (10 entries (2 absent).
1st. Hirst & Bibby’s Taraiel Busta Rhymes JW
Bl/br of great quality. Well blessed with a magnificent head and skull Muzzle of correct length and
proportions, cleanly built in foreface with a sound bite, dark eyes and neat ears. Well constructed in
front, brisket, shoulders and with neck blending well into well angulated shoulders and level top line.
Moved well from well angulated hindquarters. A picture of admirable balance.
2nd. Lahodova’s Danny G Fransimo Bohemia
3rd. Bowler’s Kyraloebis The Bogus Man at Trelynbow
Maiden Dog (8 entries 1 absent)
1st. Rowe & South’s Illori Akiiki
Bl/br with sound head shape, neat ears and dark eyes. Strong and ample bone in forelegs
Well angulated shoulders and a powerful constructed neck. Moved well and nicely balanced
2nd. Clark’s Rowellstaff Ooh Aar Cantona
3rd. McClelland’s Rochlawie Behold the Hour
Novice Dog (11 entries)
1st. Geeson’s Berrystock Over To You
Very attractive bl/br of most pleasing proportions. A powerful well constructed head with muzzle of
correct length and depth, clean lips and sound bite. Dark eyes and very neat rose ears. Well
constructed front and strong ample bone in forelegs. Well angulated in quarters and moved soundly
on the day.
2nd. Ross’s Mumiah Made in Ulster
Good head shape and muzzle on this well balanced red and white of pleasing proportions. Sound
level top line and correctly angulated hind quarters.
3rd. Rowe & South’s Illorii Akiiki
Post Graduate Dog (17 entries (3 absent)
1st. Hale & Kemp’s Caymenstaffs Highland King
Very well balanced and powerfully built bl/br with a particularly well formed head and skull.
Distinct stop, well formed strong muzzle and sound bite. Neat rose ears and dark eyes. Well formed
front with ample bone in forelegs. Well laid back shoulders, well sprung in ribs, deep brisket and
strongly muscled well defined hindquarters. Moved well on the day with ample drive and reach.
2nd. Downes’s Waystaff Double Trouble
Well balanced red and white with great head shape and muzzle. Dark eyes and neat ears give a
grand expression. Compact and short in back with soundly constructed front. Correct spring of rib
and short in coupling. Well angulated in quarters and sound in movement.
3rd. McDermott’s Macadermus Minight Caller
Limit Dog (17 entries)
1st Payton’s Barmy Army JW.
Outstanding bllbr/w well balanced from all angles. Superb head and skull with well defined stop,
Strong muzzle of correct length and depth. Neatest of rose ears, round dark eyes and a penetrating
expression. Powerful front, deep brisket and well laid back shoulders. Well sprung ribs , short in
coupling and soundly angulated stifles and hindquarters. Moved with admirable reach and drive.
2nd Whitley’s Ginstean Black Bomber
This blbr/w ran first in class very close indeed. Beautifully balanced with a most impressive head
and body. Great expression, strong in muzzle and bite, neatest of ears and dark round eyes. Strong
in front with well angulated shoulders and hindquarters. Ample bone in forelegs, correct length of
neck and level top line. Moved well both in front and rear.
3rd Cope’s Eclypstaff Fast N’ Furious
Open Dog (28 entries (6 absent)
1st Davies’ Ch. Eclypstaff Cuz I Can
A bl/br/w dog of top quality. Powerfully built in both head and frame, he well fits the standard for
the breed without exaggerations and with that desirably subtle blend of bull and terrier required by
the breed. Strong and well formed head with muzzle of correct length. Dark eyes, neat rose ears and
a commanding expression. A neck tapering well to blend smoothly into a level top line and well laid
back shoulders. Forelegs of ample bone build with neat compact feet. Correct depth of brisket
tapering smoothly up into the loins with a correct angle of croup formation to balance with a
powerfully muscled and well angulated hindquarters construction. With the blessings of his correct
angulation of shoulders and hindquarters, it was no surprise to see him move both powerfully and
economically with purpose. A truly deserved Champion of the breed.
2nd Plant’s Ch. Kyraloebis Italian Gigalo JW ShCM
Another bl/br of top of the class quality. With a great formation of head and muzzle combined with a
stop of correct slope and depth, the correct placement of dark round eyes and build of foreface for
him is assured. Combined with the neatest of rose ears, these attributes have made for the truly
great expression of this dog. Admirable sloping well laid back shoulders, strong tapering neck, broad
front and deep brisket all with the ample boned forelegs combine to make for a powerful forehand.
He maintains a level top lone in movement and drives from well angulated hindquarters.
A great Champion of the breed that ran the first place in the very close. One thing both these
excellent Champions have in common is their compact middleweight with no exaggerations bull and
terrier build and class to go with it.
3rd Fulford’s Elitebulls Heartbreaker for Regalbull JW ShCM

SBTC CH Show 2015 – Bitch Judge: Colin Powell (Bowtmans)

As always it’s an honour and privilege to judge a breed club show. I’ve been very lucky to be invited to do this 80th anniversary show.
The last time I done a special here was the millennium show which also had an excellent entry. But today some how this show had the feeling of being a bit more special, the buzz in the hall when I arrived, the atmosphere thoughout the day, the cheers and applause after every class. It was like going back in time to when I first started, so in turn it gave me a lift when judging the show.
All I can put this down to is all the hard work and effort of the officers and committee throughout the year to get the Parent Club back to where it should be.
So to you all I would like to personally thank all of you for your effort and level of commitment to our club.
As usual my wife and myself were looked after all day and did not want for anything.
I would like to thank all my exhibitors for taking there placing sportingly and for there support to the Staffordshire Bull Terrier Club.
V/B (41,32a)
1st Cartwright, BORGSTAFF HATCHEPSUT, JW. At 12 years old but still thinks she’s a lot younger the way she walked down the mat, best of heads at this age, she could hold her own in a vintage class of 10 years and over nice to she still enjoys herself a proper veteran, a credit to her owners.
2nd Hopkins, CH TRUFFLESTAFF MONIFA KANIKA, JW. A beautiful and typical example of the breed, worthy Ch in her own right, sound, balance and confirmation she has it all, but for me she is a youngster in this class.
3rd Heron, DILIRYSTAFF DIAMOND GIRL. A bitch that’s well off for bone and substance, good head and well placed ears, nice pigment, good spring of rib, still quite fit, moved well.
M/P/B. (17,5a)
1st McKimm, BIGGLESWICK FIFTY FIFTY, R/W. A young bitch with a bright future, clean and well balanced, good head for her age with cracking expression, neat ears, dark eyes, and correct bite, straight front, good topline and rear angulations, moved well and in A1 condition, B/P/B.
2nd Byrne & Gartland, CARANDSTAFF MOONDANCE. B/B/W. Very clean outlines, beautiful expression, still very much a puppy, small rose ears, dark eye, correct bite, good tight feet, nice body for age, good angulations, in good condition, moved well.
3rd Birbeck, BELLAROUGHE ATHENA, R/W PIED. A striking marked bitch, well balanced and of type, strong enough in head and body, good bite level top line good bend, of stifle, maturing nicely, moved ok.
P/B. (13,2a)
1st Merricks, LEEBEE’S LUXURIOUS OF MAGICGEM. Red. A top size pup for her age, small rose ears, dark eye, black mask with correct bite, good tight feet, plenty of lift, nice short coat in excellent condition, moved and presented very well.
2nd Robinson, Robinson & Cox, STUDSTAFF SUGAR AND SPICE OF HAMSON, R/W. A close decision between the two, more bone and substance than my first place but needs that bit of sparkle, good head and body for her age, ample rib and good quarters, moved well and in good coat.
3rd Lee, LEEBEE’S PRECIOUS, Red. Very similar to my first placing, strong enough in head and body, good bite level top line good bend, of stifle moved ok.
J/B (19,2a)
1st Quigley, RAPSTAFF WHEELER DEALER, B/B. A bit of a scrapper this one, beautiful expression, darkest of eyes small neat ears and correct bite, body in proportion to size, a well balanced picture over all, hard and fit moved with drive.
2nd Fletcher & Martin, JELLITOTS BLUE BELLE OF LOYALSTAFF, M/B. A powerful bitch with plenty of bone and substance to her, grand head and expression, good neck and shoulders, sturdy compact appearance to her body, strong quarters moved well.
3rd Ferguson, FERGSTAFF VALKERIE QUEEN, R/W. A clean cut well balanced bitch with good markings, stood four square and did every thing that was asked of her, moved very well and handled to perfection, in good condition.
Yearling (21,3a)
1st Harrison & Roper, TRAWDEN ICE AND SPICE, JW. R/W/Pied. A bitch with plenty of bone and substance, good head and expression, small ears , dark eye, nice cheek muscle and good bite, good pigmentation, straight front and good feet, nice spring of rib, and muscular thigh’s moved well for the handler, sound over all.
2nd Gabel, HOCUS POCUS OF SPIRIT-STAFF, M/B. Stunning head peace, clean cut, well balanced and good pigmentation, good angles in profile and on the move, kept a good topline and tail set.
3rd Sem & Ullaflaen, CELUNAS KNOW IT ALL, B/B. A tidy bitch of quality and type to her, pleasing head, shape, plenty of bone, ample rib, good angulations, expertly handed keeping a level topline and good tail set, in good condition.
M/B (11,1a)
1st Robinson, Robinson & Cox, STUDSTAFF SUGAR AND SPICE OF HAMSON, R/W.
2nd Riggs & Case, MANARK GEM’S CLASS ACT, B/B. Good in type, make and shape, head strong deep through, good under jaw with correct bite, upon her toes, good spring of rib, moved with drive.
3rd Nicholson, ANTRELLEDA JUST JANE AT BALLINDONA, M/B/W. A bit bigger than my first to but well balanced with ample bone and substance to her, in good condition and moved with ease, good coat.
Novice (13,4a)
1st 1st Robinson, Robinson & Cox, STUDSTAFF SUGAR AND SPICE OF HAMSON, R/W.
3rd Fox, JOLIHEM FOUXDU FAFA, B/W. A smaller bitch compared to the others, short compact and balanced, good pigmentation, hard and fit moved well.
P/G/B. (23,5a)
1st Canavan, BOLDSTOCK AN I BOVERED, M/B. Scored a lot on head shape, type and expression, good pigmentation and a rich color to her, well bodied with ample bone and substance, in very good condition, moved true in front a tab close in rear.
2nd, Gilbert, REGALBULL ENGLISH ROSE, M/B. A bitch I think has a lot to offer, with a little time and patience on the handling side, this bitch has quality and breed type, which is worth pursuing, good shape head, pleasing expression, short coupled, in good coat, just a bit full on.
3rd Beesley, JODANZAC MISSY LOU, Tiger Bri. Another bitch of type and soundness, many of the same attributes has my first and second placing, in nice condition, moved with ease around the ring.
L/B. (19,4a)
Impressively mark bitch, full of breed type, every thing you are looking for, strong head, good ears, dark eyes black rims, good width and depth of muzzle and correct bite, very well balanced, nice spring of rib, short coupled, powerful quarters, look good in profile and on the move, excellent pigment, moved covering the ground with ease, in tip top condition, a credit to her owners, proud to award her CC and on referee decision to go B.I.S.
2nd Butler, SEENWORSTAFF STORM WARNING AT JOEMIKESTE, JW, R/W. One I have judged before as a puppy, nice to see she has matured into a sound bitch full of quality and type, Excellent expression small ears, dark eye, clean muzzle, correct bite, nice body, level top line, strong quarters, good bend of stifle, moved well.
3rd. Molineux, MANARK SUMMER SOLSTICEAT AT DRUIDHAWK, M/ Bri. First think you notice is the richness of her color, in beautiful, nice condition sheen to her coat, short, compact and balanced, sound over all and of type, handler and exhibit moved as one, held her own in a stunning class, a credit to her owners.
O/B. (18,5A)
1st Rogers, CH BERRYSTOCK CHARLIES ANGEL, B/B/W. A well balanced bitch of type, clean defined head, good front and feet, short compact body, ample rib, good pigment, band in the standard, stood four square, in good condition, moved well. Res CC.
2nd Bowin, CH BRIGANAH LIMITED EDITION, B/B. Straight up my street the bone and substance I’m used to, best of heads and expression by far, strong and powerful yet feminine, well sprung rib, and hard thigh’s moved keeping a good topline, the only thing that stopped you coming close to top honors, was the weight she was carrying, weight can come off but quality stay’s.
3rd Mason, CH DARE TO DREAM, B/B. A worthy champion in her own right, always in excellent condition, great pigmentation, expertly handed, always gets the best from his exhibit, moved freely up and down the ring.

Dogs: James Beaufoy (Wyrefare)
Bitches: Colin Powell (Bowtmans)

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