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2021 Championship Show

Judge – Tony Pritchard (Anthian)

What an honour to be chosen by the Membership to Judge Bitches at this most prestigious show and what a fantastic entry most humbling, a big thank to the Show Manager and Committee for putting on a tremendous show and how professionally run it was; also to my two ring stewards Pete Rhodes and Frank Reader.
My respect to the Club in the way they honoured the fallen in the remembrance tribute at 11 am.
It was a privilege to judge alongside Mr Brian Aubrey, a gentleman of the highest order.
On the whole mouths were good, nice to see clean teeth, no real mouth problems my only real disappointment is the condition of a lot very soft to the touch .

Veteran 34 (18)
1st/ Wilson- CH Bullhawk Jessie Jay At Northstaff
B/B Good size, strong head with neat ears & feminine expression, correct bite, impressive from front good legs with ample bone , good spring of rib middlecast in back. well shaped stifles, moved steady in the ring . BOSVIShow.
2nd/ Johansen &Andre Madsen – Impressive Staffs Abby (ATC Ax00702NOR)
Red /Fawn/White Good head and expression, nice dark eye & neat ears, a good blend of bull & terrier, complete bite with clean lips, good straight front with good bone ,well off for rib, coat in good condition, good stifles moved easy.
3rd/ Harrison & Roper – CH Trawden Ice and Spice JW
Fawn/White Pied Strong skull, dark round eyes lovely expression, correct bite with good muzzle Front ok, good well boned legs a good spring of rib, good rear quarters, coat short & harsh and in good condition, a worthy Champion.

Minor puppy 9 (4)
1st/ Jackson- Jackabyte Nemesis
B/B Strong headed for a youngster, broad skull dark eyes giving a good expression, she still has puppy wrinkles around her muzzle but with maturity these will tighten up, good size, well boned legs and tight feet combined with a straight front gives a very impressive picture, correct length of rib and well sprung, coat in lovely condition, good stifles with ample muscle tone, when viewed in profile she give a lovely outline. Best Puppy Bitch, RBPIShow
2nd/ Wall- Goldwyn She’s the one
Fawn/White Smart clean headed pup with tiny neat ears & the darkest of eyes giving a very alert expression, nice length to her muzzle very clean in lip correct bite, straight front on good legs with neat feet, rib developing well topline good coupling ok ,rear quarters ok , coat in good condition, moved nice and steady—just wouldn’t let me go over her but still a promising youngster .
3rd/ Holme- Goldstaffs she’s out of reach(ATC Ay29850Nor)
B/B/white good head & neat ears ,round eye correct bite ,decent muzzle, straight front, lighter in bone than 1 & 2 ,ribs developing well topline ok stifles well bent ,coat in good condition moved steady .

Puppy 10 (1)
1st/ Hands & Freeman-Skyestaff she Conquered
B/B Very clean pup , good head with neat ears & nice eyes ,good muzzle clean lipped with correct bite , not over done at all ,straight front on good legs and decent feet, rib coming on ,correct length with ample spring ,short backed and short coupled , good muscle tone to rear quarters, moved with ease – smart pup
2nd/ Noonan & Blunt – Skyestaff Fall into line
B/B – litter sister to 1st – slightly stronger than her sister but still very smart, good head & ears giving a good expression , good muzzle with correct bite, straight front on good legs, good rib , topline good ,rear developing well , moved well coat good . should be proud of these two.
3rd/ Harkin – A bit of Hanky Panky for Harkline
Brindle & bit of white- pleasing head , clean carrying good type , correct bite in a good muzzle, straight front, good ribs , decent shape all over but would prefer a better bend of stifle, coat in good condition

Junior 15 (3)
1st/ Thomas – Tilicious Whatever at Biggleswick
Fawn/White Good skull& neat ears & dark eyes, good muzzle & jaw housing a correct bite clean in lip giving a good expression, straight front on well boned legs with good feet, good length of rib with adequate spring, short coupled well let down hocks, when stacked she gives a nice square outline, coat is short and harsh and in good order, hard to the touch .
2nd/ Turley – Loyalstaff Bella Bambina At Eaststreet
B/B Strong broard skull , neat ears nice eye set,strong muzzle & jaw housing a correct bite, good straight front on well boned legs a good spring of rib of correct length ,coat in good condition,good stifle with good muscle tone , moved well , although giving her handler a rough time ,slightly more of her than 1 , just preferring the squarer outline of 1.
3rd/ Parker- Elitebull Mojito at Nettleworth
B/B Nice size ,good head & ears & eyes giving a pleasing expression ,nice length of muzzle with correct bite ,clean foreface, good front on good legs & feet, rib well sprung , she gives you a good outline, stifles good in good condition.

Yearling 16(2)
1st/ Duncan- Jackabyte Wonderlust at Rhebelstaff
B/B Standard size , very clean lines, good head shape ,neat ears nice round eye, good length of muzzle with good bite, clean fore face ,straight front with enough lift, good legs and feet, well sprung ribs , good body shape well let down at rear, coat in good order, moved well , good physical condition
2nd/ Hurst & Bibby- Taraiel Dua Lipa
B/B good head & expression, broad skull , neat ears & good shaped eyes, a good ratio head to muzzle , correct bite, good width to chest straight front on good legs & feet, well sprung ribs, good top line ,short coupled good rear well muscled, put down in hard condition, just preferring the lift of 1
3rd/ Kendall- CH Rossabull Upsy Daisy
Brindle/white Nice head and ears and eyes lovely expression ,good muzzle and bite, clean and tidy, straight front on good legs, well sprung ribs, good rear,coat good, moved well , a worthy Champion

Novice 14(5)
1st/Mortimer- Chiswell Black Opal At Manorstaff
B/B A good size , nice clean headed bitch, good skull, round eye & neat ears, nice length of muzzle housing a good bite, well boned straight front ,good spring of rib of correct length, short backed , well muscled thighs , hocks well let down ,coat in really good condition, moved with ease.
2nd/ Funnell- Powerpack Morgan Le fay
B/B/ white bits , Another nice sized bitch , very clean head , strong, neat ears ,good muzzle , clean lipped with correct bite, straight front with ample bone ,a good body shape & nice under line well bent stifles with plenty of width, ribs are well sprung and of the correct length, in good physical condition, moved soundly.
3rd/ Moffit- Kargonstaffs Kokoro
B/B/white bit, Pleasing head shape , good ears, shorter in muzzle than 1&2,good bite, good front , good feet, decent body & good rib, short back, coat in good order , would have preferred a better stifle .

Graduate 12 (2)
1st/ Bissell- Elitebull Solitaire
B/B/ white bit/ Strong skull and muzzle , good eyes and tidy ears, correct bite, straight front good bone decent feet, a good shape to her body, ribs well sprung , short backed , good rear with muscle development, coat in good order , moved well.
2nd/ Oakley- Homafar Jomanda
B/B/W Standard size, clean head , neat ears, good muzzle correct bite, decent front on good legs , feet ok, decent body shape , short backed & coupled ,top line ok ,would have preferred more bend to stifle but she moved well enough.
3rd/ Prutton- Jasamarch Ditsy Diva
Brindle, again standard size , good head shape , tidy ears ,muzzle ok not as strong as 2,good legs well boned , good ribcage , top line ok ,coat good , moved ok.

Post Graduate 16(2)
1st/ Johnson- Tillcarr Kissed By Fire
B/B standard sized bitch of quality, good head & ears, muzzle a little shorter than I prefer but still a good expression, correct bite, good straight front on good legs and feet, good ribs well sprung, short backed & close coupled giving a square outline , stifles well let down and well muscled , moved steady ,coat in good condition.
2nd/ Artzen & Mcdermott- Catstaff Say Goodbye
B/B Good size , good head shape ,neat ears, good muzzle & jaw with correct bite, good front with good boned legs, well sprung ribs, top line good ,well bent stifles with good muscle tone, slightly longer cast than 1, ( these two could change places ) again the squarer out line took my eye.
3rd/Norman- Amavia Rewrite the Stars
Brindle/white , Decent head shape, good ears & eyes, good muzzle with a clean fore face housing a good bite, good front on good legs, more middle cast in back, good profile body shape with good underline, good rear quarters in good condition, coat In good order , moved well.

Limit 23(5)
1st/ Wells- Taraiel Ray Of Light At Wellstaffs
B/B/White Now This is how to put a Stafford down –FIT & HARD- she was keen and alert from the moment she stepped into the ring , she has a beautiful clean head strong and muscular but still feminine, neat ears which she uses ,lovely eyes to set off that wicked expression, strong muzzle & under jaw housing a correct bite, very clean lips too, her front is straight and true with good bone down to her tight feet giving you enough lift without being over the top, from over the back she has a strong neck , ribs are well sprung and of the correct length, a definite waste into rock hard rear quarters and defined muscle on both thighs, her profile is stunning everything flows total balance, not an ounce of excess fat on her , she moves with drive and powers down the mat, her coat is gleaming , without a doubt the best conditioned bitch here on show all credit to her owners , An absolute pleasure to award her the CC , I’m sure the crowning glory is not far away RBIS.
2nd/ Wilson- Elitebull Elysian at kalverin
B/B A good size , nice head and ears, good muzzle length strong and housing a good bite, clean in lip , straight front with good legs well boned , feet ok ,well off for rib , good rear and well muscled , coat in good condition , she has a super profile , moved ok.
3rd/ Paronneau & Desmazes- Samross Making dreams
B/B standard bitch, good head , neat ears, nice eyes well placed, decent muzzle, correct bite , not as deep in jaw as 1&2, good front on good legs, lighter in bone , a good body shape , coat in good condition.

Open 16(5)
1st/ Johnson- CH Ellchansha Once upon a Time
B/B Another top notch bitch, Cracking head with neat ears & good eyes, giving a wonderful expression, good length of muzzle and a strong under jaw housing a strong bite , straight well boned front on good legs with good feet , decent neck into a good spring of rib of the correct length, she carries her top line well , well let down at hocks , rear quarters are well muscled, another in super condition with a gleaming coat, she moves with power and drive her owner has trouble keeping up , she does not stop showing herself off .A pleasure to award her the RES CC.
2nd/ Lewis- Jasamarch Celtic Queen
B/B Quality bitch, strong head with good ears and eyes, good muzzle , clean lipped, with correct bite ,nice size ,straight front on good well boned legs and good feet, decent neck , good ribs and top line , short in back& coupling , good rear with good muscle tone , coat good , in great physical condition, nice body shape & underline, moved easy,
3rd/ Howaart- Jecanibo’s Girls got Rhythm(ATC01215NlD)
Brindle very similar to 2, good skull with neat ears and eyes giving a nice expression, good muzzle clean lip correct bite, well boned straight front, feet ok , good neck , well off for rib , good top line , rear quarters good ,coat in good condition moved well. Loved the attitude between 2 & 3 placings both showing a bit of Stafford style.

This is just one man’s opinion and interpretation , thank you for a day I will not forget.

Bitches - Tony Pritchard

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