Known previously as ‘The Bull and Terrier,’ the Staffordshire Bull Terrier was first recognised as a pedigree breed in 1935. At that time, in the heart of the Black Country, the very first Staffordshire Bull Terrier Club was founded (fondly referred to as ‘The Parent Club’).
The Club, today is committed to respect and observe the traditions of this magnificent breed, as set down by the founders all those years ago and to do all in its power to advance the breed and foster a feeling of fellowship among fanciers, as set down in the rules of the club from it’s commencement.
The following prefixes and affixes were granted:
Aldra’s. Amyand, Balroy, Bann, Bayfield, Beaupeter, Blueburne, Bossington, Chadderton, Charing, Clanrye, Clansdale, Cloch, Cloverfield, Comberford, Dacre, Daleken, Danesmead, Drift, Fieldburcote, Greanleaves, Harbin, Haybury, Hendy, Ingmanthorpe, iverheath, Kirtling, Langlea, Mariken, Markoo, Moordale, Mulberry, Mydrim, Nala, Neachell, Pantyblaidd, Parkend, Patcham, Pemnekta, Penruddok, Perrstain, Pixholme, Portfield, Prudential, Ringers, Robswire, Rugmoor, Ryma, Sherriffe, Steyning, Stoneledge, Strathlynn, Taymount, Thorstone, Tyaquin, Whynneyfield, Whitelilies, Witlodge, Woolgreaves, younnanfou, Zelari.
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The following prefixes and affixes were refused:-
Blakemere, Braids, Coylum, Glencoe, Houghton, Jacobite, Reformer, Tiptoe, Tiptop, Topnotch.
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The following applications for registration of titles were granted:-
Wickersley and Brampton Show and Sports Club (dog section).
Whitley Bay and District Canine Society.
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The committee declined to register the title “The Original Staffordshire Bull Terrier Club,” but accepted the title ” The Staffordshire Bull Terrier Club.”
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Transfers of the prefixes Flanchford, Wharfeway were granted.
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Separate interests in the prefix Newpond were granted.
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The committee decided that the Bi-Annual General Meeting be held on Friday, October 25th.
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The committee rose at 1.15 p.m.
H. T. Bowell,
Staffordshire Bull-terriers are Progressing
Staffordshire Bull Terrier breeders have every reason to be satisfied with the progress made by the variety during the past twelve months.
Kennel club registrations show a steady increase, which suggests that breeders are now registering quite a fair proportion of their stock, and in this connection I would suggest to breeders that when they have a litter of promising puppies it is a sound plan to register them all under the litter registration scheme-even though you do not intend to keep them all yourself, it is undoubtedly a “selling point” if they are registered.
The breed club has done it’s bit towards advancing the Staffordshire, and five shows have been staged in 1936, the first four being held at Cradley Heath and the fifth and last show of the year, at Hanworth, near London. The entries and judges were successively as under:-
January 48 Mr Phillip Dee
April 100 Mr Demaine
May 56 Mr Boylan
September 81 H. N. Bielby
November 100 H Pegg
The enthusiasm and interest displayed at these events have been remarkable, and the entries are most encouraging.
A feature which is agreeably noticeable is the number of new dogs which keep appearing at the club shows, and although the best dogs of a year ago are still perhaps our best, there is evidence that some of the younger dogs are going to press hard for premier honours in 1937.
The club had now been in existence for 18 months, and puppies bred by members since it’s inauguration are beginning to make their appearance at shows, and it is both gratifying and significant to note that many of these youngsters show a closer and more uniform approximation to standard type than was the case twelve months ago.
This, of course, is as it should be, and suggests that the meeting together of breeders and the discussions and exchange of opinions that take place are bearing fruit, and that we are gradually-or dare I say, fairly rapidly-reaching an understanding as to what is required in a typical S.B.T.
As regards open shows, show secretaries have put on quite a number of classes for our breed this year, and guarantees have been given both by the club and by other sporting individuals interested. Crufts, Blackpool, Thame, Maldstone, Wembley, The Kennel Club and Birmingham all had reasonably well-filled classes; but the two Scottish efforts, Pert and the S.K.C., did not draw so well; of course, the S.K.C. and Wembley were on successive days, and this may may have affected entries at the former (in fact did). I am told the exhibits attracted a lot of interest at Edinburgh, and I personally know of two sales that have been made to breeders in that city.
In some previous note which appeared in “Our Dogs.” I gave it as my opinion that the two most prevalent faults in Staffordshires bad mouths and stilted hind action. As a result of fairly careful observation throughout 1936 I believe that mouths are improving, and certainly out of 30-35 dogs that I examined at our club show in September only four had really bad mouths-in all cases undershot.
Faulty hind action, due to lack of flexion at the stifle, is still much too prevalent, and some of our otherwise best exhibits are handicapped by this imperfection. After all with an active sportsman such as the Staffordshire, good propelling machinery is a fundamental requirement, and a dog with stiff, straight back legs with no spring or life in them is going to be left at the post!
During the year we have lost two outstanding dogs, Cross Guns Johnson had probably more firsts and specials to his credit than any other dog of his breed. His wonderful balance, glorious body properties and movement, make one regret as he was only a young dog he had comparatively small opportunity of transmitting these to posterity. He is a great loss.
Fearless Joe was a smaller dog of much the same type, and if the history of the breed ever comes to be written it will be found that this game little dog has played a very important part in the building-up of the breed, and that his name figures with distinction in a large number of pedigrees. I would venture to state that in Birmingham district at least he is the the most successful sire of the last six years. Incidentally, he was grand sire to C. G. Johnson.
Of living dogs it is rather difficult to speak, but of our fully matured adult dogs I think it would be generally agreed that Jim The Dandy, Game Lad and possibly Mulberry Move On and Corinthian Rogue hold pride of place at present; and in bitches I do not know of any more typical than Brave Nell, although, mind you, all have their faults, and some of the younger terriers coming on are going to give them a run for their money in 1937.
Most breeders will have noticed that although we have a fair number of reasonably good dogs there is a lamentable scarcity of equally good bitches, and in mixed classes bitches rarely score. As a firm upholder of the belief that a breed stands or fails on the quality of it’s bitches, I am naturally rather uneasy at the present position, and I am sure that many thinking breeders will agree with me. If, by the end of 1937, we could produce a few really good bitches, we would be entitled to feel that the breed was really progressing ,and that we had accomplished a good years work.
I would ask all breeders to offer a very empathetic “thank you” to our club secretary , Joe Dunn. Only those of us who are in close touch with him know how devoted he is to the cause of the Staffordshire Bull-Terrier, and the enormous amount of unpaid work he puts in for the club’s welfare; he does indeed set us a great example of “playing the game for it’s own sake.”
Here’s good luck to us all in 1937! .